Getting Your Wedding Hairstyle

by Charlie Reese
Plan Early To Determine the Best Wedding Hairstyle for Your Big Day
We have all experienced the "bad hair day" when no matter how extreme the effort to force the hair into cooperation, it simply does whatever it wants. This type of bad hair day is enough to send many people into a tailspin that can ruin an entire day. Don't let this happen to you on your wedding day. There is no more important day to look your best than on your wedding day and yet many women will wait until the morning of the wedding to try a new hairstyle for their wedding.
Not long ago, a Washington bride tried to grow her short hair out over the year of her engagement, wanted long golden locks for her wedding photos. Unfortunately her hair would not cooperate and as the wedding date grew near, her shoulder length locks left her sad and unhappy. To the surprise and horror of nearly every guest at her wedding, as the doors opened for the bride to begin her walk down the aisle, the only thing anyone noticed was her wedding hairstyle. The waist long blonde hair that hung down the left side of her neck in a wavy, curly pony tail, an obvious wig, was very out of place and unnatural, ruining her overall appearance.
The bride's wedding hairstyle and wig were the main topics of conversation at the reception. These conversations based upon the bride's wedding hairstyle sadly replaced those that would have been held about the beauty of her gown or her overall appearance. Conversations that should have focused on the beauty of the bride were instead filled with shock and disbelief that anyone in her bridal party did not prevent that hideous wedding hairstyle before it left the dressing room.
Key Ideas to Prevent a Wedding Hairstyle Catastrophe
The most important thing to do as you begin planning your wedding is to determine exactly what type of wedding hairstyle you want on the day of your wedding. It is important to consider the style of veil, head ornament and other accessories that you might be wearing in your hair on the day of the wedding.
If you are someone that perms or colors your hair, you will want to have it done at least one month prior to the actual wedding date. Taking the time to have your hair treated at least thirty days before your wedding date will allow the overall look to soften and appear more natural in your wedding pictures and at the actual event itself. It is a good idea to get a trim at the same time to prevent split ends.
One of the most popular wedding hairstyle fashions is the "updo". This is when the bride has her hair pulled up into a high crown of hair. If this is a wedding hairstyle that you are considering for your wedding, it is a great idea to get your hair done by two different stylists so that you can compare which one is best for your personal taste. It is not a good idea to wait until the day of the wedding to get your hair done, because if something were to go wrong, you would not have any time to correct the situation.
About the Author
Charlie Reese is a wedding party writer and blogger. He enjoys giving a psychic chat online reading and looking at the weekly horoscopes.
Labels: wedding hairstyles
Getting Your Wedding Hairstyle
posted by Evie @ time 10:27 PM BOOKMARK THIS POST