The 4Cs of Haute and Healthy Wedding-Day Hair - Cleanse
Sure, everyone knows the 4Cs of diamonds: cut, clarity, color, and carat weight. But do you know the 4Cs of hair care? To discover what they are and how to get your hair into tip-top shape for your wedding-day debut, read on below.
It’s important to set a shampooing and conditioning schedule, particularly for the days leading up to the wedding. For instance, it's usually not advised that you shampoo your hair right before styling it, as this can make those strands too slippery to handle. But different hair types require different hair care, so discuss with a professional who knows your hair best. The elements of life can throw locks for a loop. Pollution, dirt, dust, and the sun all add up to damage. You'll want to use a shampoo that's tailored to your hair type and use it accordingly. For instance, if you have oily hair, you may need to shampoo more frequently than someone with dryer follicles.
The 4Cs of Haute and Healthy Wedding-Day Hair - Cleanse
posted by Evie @ time 9:27 AM BOOKMARK THIS POST

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